Japanese Football Team
in London
About LonJapa
当時、日本サッカー協会の国際委員だった伊藤氏と、ロンドンにいた東大サッカーOBや損保関係の駐在員など13名がThe Regent's Parkに集まり、フットボールをしたことがロンジャパの始まり。現在ではロンドンで最も歴史があるチームとして地位を確立しています。
Established in August of 1983.
At the time Mr. Ito of the Japanese international football federation along with alumni from Tokyo University’s football club and expats from the insurance industry working in London would gather in The Regent’s Park and play football. We are currently the oldest active Japanese football club in London.
We play every Sunday morning year round including International tournaments in the summer and we also arrange many social activities.
In our team we have people from various work backgrounds, exchange and working holiday students, expats, entrepreneurs, Japanese who have lived a long time in the UK and non-Japanese who love the country, ages range from 20 - 60. We also welcome people with various levels of football abilities, from beginners to players who have experienced high level football.
What’s important is that everyone enjoys playing football, we don’t put weight on your age or ability level.
We also enter many Under 35 and Over 35 tournaments throughout the year. Our players can experience football culture in a way that is just not possible in Japan. You can also join mainly to make friends&connections and practice your English. Let’s have fun playing football and then go for a beer after!
We welcome new members to join our club and make their stay in London more rewarding.

Past Event

2022 初蹴り with LonJapa Rugby team
2021 Bonenkai
[Over40] 9-a-side Tournament at Chiswick
Inner City World Cup 2021

[Over40] Inner City World Cup 2021
Maeda Gakuen Cup 2019
Inner City World Cup 2019
Join Us !
Contact Us
For matchmaking, trial, or any questions!
We are looking for new players and managers. It doesn’t matter what level you are at. Everyone from ex-pros to beginner can have fun playing with us. We play matches, have training session and social as well as international exchange events both on and off the pitch. Please feel free to contact us. We are also looking for match opponents!